Friday, February 21, 2014

Food Stamps and Minimum Wage.....

Hey there all you bloggers out there. For this post, I've got a real brain fart of a  topic. An article published in the Smirking Chimp, discusses a primitive benefit of increasing minimum wage. Trina Dupy's "Don’t Like Food Stamps? Raise the Minimum Wage", implies just what the title says.  The only thing wrong with the way Dupy introduces the topic, is the fact that she is nonchalantly talks from an opposed  point of view, giving negative connotation to food stamps.  First she begins with identifying with the reader, whom must be opposed to food stamps or the distribution of  Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.  Next she elaborates on the supposed issues of  food stamps. She uses examples like people freeload and that sometimes pride is a dominant factor when considering applying for food stamps.  She almost makes it seem like food stamps should be dissolved, because of these factors.  Claiming that Americans can barely feed themselves, her offered solution recommends that the government should raise minimum wage to $10.10/hr. Dupy claims that this is a positive ultimatum. Personally, I feel like her bias notion of getting rid of food stamps refers back to her childhood. A little research show that Dupy was indeed of wealthy status as a child, travel from country to country. So its probably safe to say that Of course Dupy's views seem honest, but in all do reality it does not seem as if she'd been in a crisis in which she could not buy food. Her lack of experience proves that she is ignorant of the struggle. In this world we live in, unemployment rates are sky rocketing. It is hard now in days to even grasp a hold of a good job that pays the bills.  One factor Dupy fails to acknowledge is what about our disabled people who can't work or support themselves wholly. Why would someone want to snatch the little thing that is actually helping lower class citizens? Another topic of discussion. WHY DOES SHE EVEN CARE? This is were the brain might get a little foggy. Yes, an increased minimum wage would probably help a lot of us workers, but why is the distribution of food stamps a big deal or why is it something that should eliminated from our governments aid and assistance. After all food stamps may have gone out to the wrong civilians, but all in all they've supported many families over the years. Im a firm believer in getting it while its good, and I'm not going to lie and say that if I qualified for food stamps, that I wouldn't accept them for as long as I could. Anyways check out this article and let us know what ya think.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome people of "We The People"

Well folks welcome to "We The People" blog hot spot. Everyone now and then wants to know the who, what, wheres, and how's of this fine nations government. We The People is basically based off of those questions. Dirt will be lifted and you better believe major judging is inquired. The basics of informing people of how government maneuvers, is to do just that "inform". Here, we take out the boring stuff and just focus in on the details. With that being said, I'd like to discuss a very communicated issue that just might hurt you younger reader's pockets. Health Care Law May Result in 2 Million Fewer Full-Time Workers. isan article by Annie Lowery and Jonathan Weisman. It explores the  seemingly evident fact that the new  health care "Obamacare" will be the result in fewer jobs and/or job openings. The article explains that because Obamacare only benefits full time workers, that business's will start either cutting part-time employees hour or maybe even just drop them, just to save money. Despite the very misleading title, the article in itself is something you'll most definitely want to read. Word to the middle class and younger working population. So go ahead and shoot on over there and comment below. "We The People" would love to hear what ya gotta say.