Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome people of "We The People"

Well folks welcome to "We The People" blog hot spot. Everyone now and then wants to know the who, what, wheres, and how's of this fine nations government. We The People is basically based off of those questions. Dirt will be lifted and you better believe major judging is inquired. The basics of informing people of how government maneuvers, is to do just that "inform". Here, we take out the boring stuff and just focus in on the details. With that being said, I'd like to discuss a very communicated issue that just might hurt you younger reader's pockets. Health Care Law May Result in 2 Million Fewer Full-Time Workers. isan article by Annie Lowery and Jonathan Weisman. It explores the  seemingly evident fact that the new  health care "Obamacare" will be the result in fewer jobs and/or job openings. The article explains that because Obamacare only benefits full time workers, that business's will start either cutting part-time employees hour or maybe even just drop them, just to save money. Despite the very misleading title, the article in itself is something you'll most definitely want to read. Word to the middle class and younger working population. So go ahead and shoot on over there and comment below. "We The People" would love to hear what ya gotta say.

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