Friday, May 9, 2014

My Gay Commentary

      Recently I've come across a colleges work called Blog #5- Rant on by Tri Tang. The blog speaks about the difficulties of same sex marriage and the governments associated approach to it. The blog itself seems to stem from a personal belief that Gay marriage should be legalized with no exceptions by any means necessary. I must say that his argument in his work is a bit cliched, but nonetheless I do agree with him. Society itself is so infiltrated with whats right, whats wrong, or what should be right and what should be wrong. 

     These accusations rely heavily on the irrelevance of people in general. However, I do believe that people are indeed entitled to what ever belief they want. When I was younger I used to believe that marriage was a sacred bond between two individuals that are truly in love with each other.  Now love itself  has all these new connotations, its makes it hard to understand what kind of "love" is associated with marriage. If two men or women claim that they are "in love" with each other, who exactly can say that the love they claim to share isn't worthy of marriage, the sacred bond between two people who love each other. 

     One the most controversial arguments stated in reference to the topic is "Why does it matter to other people that two men or women love each other". I argue that its not what matters it's just the fact that people are scared of change and terrified of insecurities, basically because gay's are running the world. To me the subject is like the legalization issues of marijuana. People denote all these negative elaborations on it, when all the time it happens to be something pure and natural. 

     So what if you put a law on a paper and say It's not acceptable. Just like weed smokers going to continue to smoke pot, gays are going to continue the lifestyles as if they were heterosexual. They are still going to date, find a way to get married, have sex, raise a family, ya know the same stuff "regular" people would do. Like I've once stated before, too much time and money is spent trying to decide no one can control. The reality of the situation is just as simple as that. It literally doesn't need to be this difficult or hard to get with the program. 

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