Friday, May 9, 2014

To vape or not to vape.....that is the question.

   SO while writing this post I decided to comment on a topic that I had no idea was a political issue or controversy.  Electronic Cigarettes are they better? written by Lauren, has everything to do with vaporizers vs. cigarettes. Lauren discusses the possible fact that electronic cigarettes might receive a list of regulations from the FDA. Lauren's approach is rather informative, as she speaks about the e-cig's proposal from the FDA. 

   Because I am often around people who do like to hit the vape, I must say that I too find myself asking "what the hell are you smoking anyways?". Most of these modern vaporizers, are connected to a small tank filled with a liquid called e-juice. I'm pretty sure research can be done to actually specify what the e-juice contains and if it is even good for our body, but for right now lets just compromise with the fact that it is a nicotine flavored liquid, made purely of nothing but water. 

   If this is indeed true, I am an advocated for pro-vaporizer usage. The only thing I do not agree with, is the public appearance it makes by people who use it. No matter how anti-dangerous it may happen to be, I personally believe that it's usage in public stores, restaurants or any facility that involves consumers is rather tacky. 

   E-cigs or vaporizers may not have a smoke scent associated with it but like I've once stated before, no one knows what they are made of and the effects it might have on other people who don't smoke. Also it sends a bad message to children about smoking in general. I may just be old fashion but if smoking anything is going to be done it shouldn't be in the presence of  infants, minors, elderly people with health issues or animals.

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