Friday, May 9, 2014

To vape or not to vape.....that is the question.

   SO while writing this post I decided to comment on a topic that I had no idea was a political issue or controversy.  Electronic Cigarettes are they better? written by Lauren, has everything to do with vaporizers vs. cigarettes. Lauren discusses the possible fact that electronic cigarettes might receive a list of regulations from the FDA. Lauren's approach is rather informative, as she speaks about the e-cig's proposal from the FDA. 

   Because I am often around people who do like to hit the vape, I must say that I too find myself asking "what the hell are you smoking anyways?". Most of these modern vaporizers, are connected to a small tank filled with a liquid called e-juice. I'm pretty sure research can be done to actually specify what the e-juice contains and if it is even good for our body, but for right now lets just compromise with the fact that it is a nicotine flavored liquid, made purely of nothing but water. 

   If this is indeed true, I am an advocated for pro-vaporizer usage. The only thing I do not agree with, is the public appearance it makes by people who use it. No matter how anti-dangerous it may happen to be, I personally believe that it's usage in public stores, restaurants or any facility that involves consumers is rather tacky. 

   E-cigs or vaporizers may not have a smoke scent associated with it but like I've once stated before, no one knows what they are made of and the effects it might have on other people who don't smoke. Also it sends a bad message to children about smoking in general. I may just be old fashion but if smoking anything is going to be done it shouldn't be in the presence of  infants, minors, elderly people with health issues or animals.

My Gay Commentary

      Recently I've come across a colleges work called Blog #5- Rant on by Tri Tang. The blog speaks about the difficulties of same sex marriage and the governments associated approach to it. The blog itself seems to stem from a personal belief that Gay marriage should be legalized with no exceptions by any means necessary. I must say that his argument in his work is a bit cliched, but nonetheless I do agree with him. Society itself is so infiltrated with whats right, whats wrong, or what should be right and what should be wrong. 

     These accusations rely heavily on the irrelevance of people in general. However, I do believe that people are indeed entitled to what ever belief they want. When I was younger I used to believe that marriage was a sacred bond between two individuals that are truly in love with each other.  Now love itself  has all these new connotations, its makes it hard to understand what kind of "love" is associated with marriage. If two men or women claim that they are "in love" with each other, who exactly can say that the love they claim to share isn't worthy of marriage, the sacred bond between two people who love each other. 

     One the most controversial arguments stated in reference to the topic is "Why does it matter to other people that two men or women love each other". I argue that its not what matters it's just the fact that people are scared of change and terrified of insecurities, basically because gay's are running the world. To me the subject is like the legalization issues of marijuana. People denote all these negative elaborations on it, when all the time it happens to be something pure and natural. 

     So what if you put a law on a paper and say It's not acceptable. Just like weed smokers going to continue to smoke pot, gays are going to continue the lifestyles as if they were heterosexual. They are still going to date, find a way to get married, have sex, raise a family, ya know the same stuff "regular" people would do. Like I've once stated before, too much time and money is spent trying to decide no one can control. The reality of the situation is just as simple as that. It literally doesn't need to be this difficult or hard to get with the program. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

I Always Feel Like Somebodies Watching...


          Welcome back bloggers. Please don't let the title scare you. The governments so good at spying on citizens I hardly even notice. Evidently loads of bills were introduced last year in regards to privacy. Most measures included limits on data collection from license-plate readers; stronger privacy rules regarding social media accounts and limitations on personal tracking via cell phone. Many of those bills were offered prior to revelations about the extent of data collection by the National Security Agency (NSA). There is no mystery or surprise that people are wanting to act against the governments proclaimed unconstitutional practices. 
            According to an analysis from the ACLU, the NSA's  mass surveillance of American citizens has found a great expansion through the years since the 9/11 attacks.  The post claims that, recent disclosures have shown that the government is regularly tracking phone calls of almost every American citizen. If that isn't already a problem, then the fact that the government might also be spying on a vast number of Americans' international calls, text messages, emails, and social media sites, might be a bit well let's see... INTOLERABLE . 
          As stated before these theories have been speculated before, and own an accused claim under authority through the Patriot Act. The USA Patriot Act is an act, signed into law, by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. Criticisms of the law acknowledge that the permission given by law enforcement officers, to search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s consent or knowledge, is unconstitutional. Since its rise to legal standards, It has definitely faced some legal challenges and have been brought to Federal courts only to face the funk, that a number of provisions within the act itself are unconstitutional.This political obscurity of justice, somehow suggests to our very beautiful government that it is OK for them to collect a record of every single phone call made by every single American "on an ongoing daily basis."
            I'm not really sure how to feel about this, nor do I believe that US citizens will be able to do much about these speculations, if they are indeed true. Constitutionally, this program does not only exceed and infiltrate  the authority given by Congress, but it also violates the right of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment, and the rights of free speech and association protected by the First Amendment.  Despite these theories, we the public have yet to officially receive a full story about how the Patriot Act is being used to collect information on Americans. This is definitely something you might want to keep your eye on folks, because someone just might have their eye on you.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pass the Weed!

Hello people of blogger status. So for today's post, I almost strained my brain on what today's topic I should rant about. Surely enough I've come to the conclusion that the topic of marijuana is nothing far from a fun discussion. Not because it's probably one of the easiest topics to write and editorial on, or that I may be a recreational pot smoker, but because the issue of marijuana is one that will never end. I personally believe it to be amazing that marijuana, as a sticky political issue, is never going away because of its ongoing usage. No matter what few states legalize it, this issue is probably never going to be solved unless all state legalize it. Marijuana is also going to be something that stays on this earth forever. Whether US citizens smoke it or plant it, marijuana is always going to be uncontrollably accessible and in most cases; affordable to the younger working generation. The topic itself, also allows too much time and money to be spent on deciding what should be done, when the answer is plain as day. LEGALIZE IT. Why fight a battle that can't be controlled. The government's ignorance of this issue, fails to comply with the political benefits of it. Despite all of weed's medicinal benefits, needless to say one of the primary arguments for legalizing weed has been to regulate and tax the hell out of it in a time when most states are struggling to stay in the black.  However, studies determined that the high-water mark for tax revenue would be in the initial years, because as the “wow” factor of legal weed wears off.  Users are then anticipated to decline. I argue that this is another act of ignorance on the government. Marijuana has been a recreational drug for years, and will be for years to come. Not because of users today, but because of future users. I know it sounds horrible, but little Billy may say no to drugs now, but 9 times out of 10 he will eventually become accustomed to the "high life" or be involved with other users. It's sad, but we do live in a world now where it seems like "everyone’s doing it" and everyone will at least try it once. Despite the unintentional negativity, the true benefit of weed's legalization inquires that there may be a progressives hope to lure young people to the polls. One of the biggest issues I've learned while studying for government exams is the fact that the younger generation lacks the most political participation. Marijuana may be the answer to increase this younger generation's participation in government. So to the question as to what should the government do, or if they should do anything; simple. Legalize it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Only In Florida smh...

Whats up bloggers! Tonights post is one of those "What the hell is the world coming to" posts. So basically Florida has obtained a "stand your ground" law, making it LEGAL for individuals to use deadly force to defend themselves without any requirement to evade or retreat from a dangerous situation. In other words it is okay to shoot a police officer out of fear. Just kidding, but the story  "Florida Man Shoots Cop, Invokes Stand Your Ground", published in the Crooks and Liars blog, defiantly roots for laughter.  The only reason why I find it humorous, isn't the fact that a cop was shot, but that Florida made it legal to everyone in Florida, including cops.  It was only a matter of time that someone shot a cop. After all Florida is Americas trash can as said by Peter Griffin. Honestly, I do believe that this is an informative post everyone might get a kick out of. Unfortunately for the citizens of Florida, the question as to "how long this law will be in effect?" is still in question. One would think that after this year long case and resolution that the outcome would be enough to counterbalance the law. Then again this is Florida we're talking about, and after the Zimmerman trial something must be done about crooked cops. Go check it out and tell me what ya think.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Food Stamps and Minimum Wage.....

Hey there all you bloggers out there. For this post, I've got a real brain fart of a  topic. An article published in the Smirking Chimp, discusses a primitive benefit of increasing minimum wage. Trina Dupy's "Don’t Like Food Stamps? Raise the Minimum Wage", implies just what the title says.  The only thing wrong with the way Dupy introduces the topic, is the fact that she is nonchalantly talks from an opposed  point of view, giving negative connotation to food stamps.  First she begins with identifying with the reader, whom must be opposed to food stamps or the distribution of  Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.  Next she elaborates on the supposed issues of  food stamps. She uses examples like people freeload and that sometimes pride is a dominant factor when considering applying for food stamps.  She almost makes it seem like food stamps should be dissolved, because of these factors.  Claiming that Americans can barely feed themselves, her offered solution recommends that the government should raise minimum wage to $10.10/hr. Dupy claims that this is a positive ultimatum. Personally, I feel like her bias notion of getting rid of food stamps refers back to her childhood. A little research show that Dupy was indeed of wealthy status as a child, travel from country to country. So its probably safe to say that Of course Dupy's views seem honest, but in all do reality it does not seem as if she'd been in a crisis in which she could not buy food. Her lack of experience proves that she is ignorant of the struggle. In this world we live in, unemployment rates are sky rocketing. It is hard now in days to even grasp a hold of a good job that pays the bills.  One factor Dupy fails to acknowledge is what about our disabled people who can't work or support themselves wholly. Why would someone want to snatch the little thing that is actually helping lower class citizens? Another topic of discussion. WHY DOES SHE EVEN CARE? This is were the brain might get a little foggy. Yes, an increased minimum wage would probably help a lot of us workers, but why is the distribution of food stamps a big deal or why is it something that should eliminated from our governments aid and assistance. After all food stamps may have gone out to the wrong civilians, but all in all they've supported many families over the years. Im a firm believer in getting it while its good, and I'm not going to lie and say that if I qualified for food stamps, that I wouldn't accept them for as long as I could. Anyways check out this article and let us know what ya think.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome people of "We The People"

Well folks welcome to "We The People" blog hot spot. Everyone now and then wants to know the who, what, wheres, and how's of this fine nations government. We The People is basically based off of those questions. Dirt will be lifted and you better believe major judging is inquired. The basics of informing people of how government maneuvers, is to do just that "inform". Here, we take out the boring stuff and just focus in on the details. With that being said, I'd like to discuss a very communicated issue that just might hurt you younger reader's pockets. Health Care Law May Result in 2 Million Fewer Full-Time Workers. isan article by Annie Lowery and Jonathan Weisman. It explores the  seemingly evident fact that the new  health care "Obamacare" will be the result in fewer jobs and/or job openings. The article explains that because Obamacare only benefits full time workers, that business's will start either cutting part-time employees hour or maybe even just drop them, just to save money. Despite the very misleading title, the article in itself is something you'll most definitely want to read. Word to the middle class and younger working population. So go ahead and shoot on over there and comment below. "We The People" would love to hear what ya gotta say.